Labels:book | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: quirements is to provide the government with infor- mation about individuals engaging in abnormally large currency transactions, which often are asso- ciated with criminal activity such nareotics traf- ficking ard tax evasion. Scction 5324 does not con tain its UAO reporting requirement, but enforces the reporting requirements of Section 5313(a spe- cifically prohibiting the structuring currency trans- actions zfor purposes of evading the reporting quirements of [S]ection 5313(a). Thus, person aets with know ledge of the reporting requ irements and specific intent to evade them, he has acted willfully because he has exhibited the "purpote do wrong {Potter 155 U.S 446 that Section 5324 condemns. The jury instructions given in this case make that point clear. The court required the jury find ...